What is Pilonidal Sinus and What Causes It? Dr Monga clinic - 8010931122
What is Pilonidal Sinus and What Causes It? At the base of your tailbone, or coccyx, there's a particular type of cyst that can develop—a pilonidal cyst . These cysts have the potential to become infected, filling with pus and leading to what's known as a "pilonidal abscess," a condition marked by discomfort and pain. Resembling a sizable pimple at the tailbone's base, pilonidal cysts are more prevalent in men than in women and tend to occur more frequently in younger individuals. People who spend prolonged periods sitting down, such as truck drivers, are at a heightened risk of developing this condition. The good news is that pilonidal cysts can be treated. If your cyst becomes problematic, your doctor may opt to drain it or remove it through Ayurvedic. Alternatives to Ayurvedic Procedure for pilonidal sinus When considering alternatives to Ayurvedic procedures for treating pilonidal sinus, individuals have several options to explore. Minimally invasive technique...